Dec 17, 2018
holiday travel


From now until after New Year’s there are more drivers on the road driving long distances. For many East Texas drivers, the season means spending hours in the car as you travel to visit friends and family members you don’t see the rest of the year.

Unfortunately, Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day and Christmas are the most dangerous days to be on the road. The American Safety Council reports those days see the highest number of traffic fatalities. It isn’t just drinking and driving that causes accidents. Holiday travel often involves little passengers that can cause distractions. Tyler traffic is bumper-to-bumper on Broadway all month, increasing driving stress and incidences of road rage.  People sleep less during the busy season and drive drowsy.

We want every single one of our customers to stay safe throughout the season. We’ve put together these tips for safe holiday travel.

Schedule Vehicle Maintenance

Have your car and tires inspected before you leave town. Make sure your battery and charging system won’t leave you stranded in cold weather. Inspect belts for cracking and fraying. Visually inspect hoses, air filters, coolant levels and light operation. Replace windshield wiper blades if needed and fill your windshield washer fluid reservoir with a solution that contains antifreeze. Our service center provides maintenance for all vehicle makes and models.

Take Safety Seriously

Decide now you won’t drink and drive. Put your cell phone away when you’re in the car every single time. Insist all riders use a seat belt even if you’re just driving to the corner and back.

Anticipate Problems

Take time to think about what you’re driving into. In East Texas we have severe weather, but many Tyler drivers lack experience when it comes to driving in snow and ice. If travel to your destination takes you through areas where that’s a possibility, plan ahead.

Expect heavier traffic than normal and allow for extra time.

Don’t just plug in your destination as you leave the driveway and let your infotainment system or cell phone take over. Map your route a day or so ahead and look to see where you might encounter problems. If there’s road construction, can you see an alternate route?

If you’re on the road for more than an hour, plan for bathroom breaks and meal stops. In Tyler it’s easy to find a gas station, but that isn’t true everywhere.

If you’re driving to the airport, expect heavy traffic and packed parking garages. Again, allow yourself plenty of time to park your vehicle and get to your flight.

Teach Kids Safe Habits

Now is a good time to remind young passengers not to talk to strangers. When you stop, stick together for bathroom breaks.